You're a USA Today Hot Site!
Martha Stewart as you've never
seen her before - allegedly.
A sneak peek into her
"personal home life."
Along with the alleged secret recipe
to her "famous Green Jell-O."
January 12, 2000

Five-Star Humor Search
A True Honor!
March 1998

"I really like your site!"
Listed in:
Best Clinton Jokes Sites
(Martha Stewart and I)
Graciously Accept! Thanks!
September 26, 1998

Listed at HumorLinks:
Creative, Inspired & Bizarre
"What more can we say-
We're completely stunned!"
Thank you!
July 1, 1998

"Thanx for the laffs!
I can hardly resist
a Martha Stewart parody."
June 10, 1998

"Clever graphics,
A Worthy enterprise and
a positive contribution
to the Web"
April 23, 1998

"Elegant graphics, content,
and a cool sense of being"
Thank you! ArtReality.com
June 2, 1998

Oops, somethins' fishy?
Got Great Goo!
May 15, 1998

Featured Site! Wow!
Lycos Community
Guide: Famous Women:
Martha Stewart
June 1998

Proud Member Since
April 26, 1998

"Congratulations are in order. Your web
page has succeeded in utter
metagrobolization. To recognize the
extent to which your adumbration has
managed to becloud our panel of judges, we
are pleased to present you with the Sonomo
Co. Award for Obfuscation. Display it
proudly and let it embolden you in your
quest for confusion."
December 4, 1999

"Way too cool!
The 'Perilous Voyage' award
is an unadvertised special;
you won't see it too often."
June 10, 1998

by & about college students.
"We think your site is very cool
and would really
interest our members."
August 17, 1998

Best of The Planet
Awards, July 1998
What a truly great planet
Earth is, indeed!
July 14, 1998

"Wow! That's a zany
web site you got there:)"
June 10, 1998

Wow - Spicy Good
And in a bucket, too!
April 19, 1998

Enjoyed surfing your site
and I am sure
everybody else will too."
June 13, 1998
to the Top of this Page

Parody Pick of the Month
for January 2000
Congratulations on an
outstanding Spoof site!
Happy Spoofing!
January 13, 2000

"From over 100 nominations
received daily, we have
chosen YOU YOU YOU!...
...tremendous applause"
Random Silliness - WOW!
June 23, 1998

"Humor is what this award
is all about, and your site
exceeds the expectations."
June 16, 1998

Featured at: Weird Sites
The BigKid Collection
"Bizarre, Funny & Engrossing"
Thanks! I'm sure!
July 1, 1998

"Nice work!
...presentation and design...
unique, great fun"
A friend in the madness, Ham
August 5, 1998

First Site Award
And probably the most deserved!
February 1998

Listed in Yahoo!
Another Definitive Honor!
April 1998

Intrepid Broccoli
What a True Honor to Behold!
May 17, 1998

Anarchy Award:
Describes this site perfectly!
June 9, 1998