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MrsMegaByte's Old Guest Book - Page 3 MrsMegaByte thoroughly enjoys hearing from you! Following are actual guest book entries from MrsMegaByte's first guest book. If you'd like to leave your mark, please SIGN the current guest book. Thanks! From: Dazed (dazed@startrekmail.com) The site! (duh!) Wow, I really congratulate you on this site! I'm very surprised; not because you made it, but because you made it on Tripod. A couple of months ago I tried Tripod but found it couldn't do what I wanted it to. You proved that it can. I guess I'll just have to give Tripod another shot! I really like your Star Trek farce. I really like Star Trek and I can see you do, too. I just wonder wher on the net you found the theme song, I've looked everywhere for it! You did a fantastic job of your summaries, even if I don't know Martha Stewart from a hole in the ground! Thanks for building a great site! From: Mega (mega@msmegabyte.com.au) wow - another member of the Megabyte family well hellloooo Mrs MegaByte! Are you my mother?! Or perhaps my alter-ego!? Hmmm!! http://www.msmegabyte.com.au Join the family! Lots of love, Mega From: CelineDijon (CelineD@hotmail.com) Martha's Big old Head Thanks for this refreshing Martha Stewart view. I'd personally like to see Martha try to stuff her BIG head into one of the bins in her "craft-storage" Armoire. Geez, I wonder if Martha's head might have to fit horizontally, rather than vertically, because it is so big. (?) As seen on TV. ... From: Queen Bee Martha's droning voice.. Martha Stewart is a "drone" Her nasty voice just goes on and on and on and on. From: TINKERDUST aka Carol (caroll54@prodigy.net) Martha Taking Over the World!!! Oh Gawd All I can say is Bravo this is sure one of the best laughs I had in along time ROFLOL To funny wow Neat I loved it thanks Carol This site Is a GOOD THING From: Anna again (chickenaway@gurlmail.com) MARTHA STEWART IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! Hi, sorry to sign yur guestbook but I gave you my old url. It is now www.gurlpages.com/me/chickenaway Sorry about that! From: aNNA (chickenaway@gurlmail.com) www.gurlpages.com/me/chickenaway/chickenaway12.html GO TO MY PAGE!! iT IS ON HOW TO STAY AWAY FROM MARTHA. yOU AND I SHOULD BE BEST BUDS 'CAUSE I DEDICATED MY PAGE TO MARTHA STEWART HATERS. fOR ALL THE HATERS OF THIS WORLD DOMINATING LADY MAY GOD BLESS. From: mary jayne (GHOUNDS2@aol.com) This was one of the funniest sites, I am still laughing!! I have always been a fan of Sat. Nite Lives parody of M.S., but this is much better. I especially like Martha Stewart (body builder). Great grphics. Sent the link to all my M.S. friends. From: Sharon (mepocahontas@hotmail.com) martha! I can honestly say that this is the only representation of Martha Stewart that I can stomach for more than 5 seconds at a time. I simply cannot watch her show- that monotone drives me quite wild. Also, she is just too perky! From: LAS VEGAS TATTOO CO. (docnbelle@lvtattoo) http://www.lvtattoo.com home of the worlds most kick ass tattoo cam MrsMegaByte Your site rocks i found it by a signing you did in a tattoo site i was visiting!!! What a laugh your a hellva lady!!! I have wallpaper i found on martha that is her on the cover of dying magazine she is leaning over a lovely casket and she gives casket cleaning an upholstering tips etc. you'd love it!!! From: MMC (m_m_cooper@yahoo.com) heh! I had such fun with the Trekkie page especially. Keep up the good weird! From: Ann I am a big fan of Martha Stewart! But I do have to admit I love repeating this site for any friend that comes to the house. From: Holli (DollyRuth@aol.com) Your house party This is absolutely the funniest Martha spoof I have ever seen.I've e-mailed your link to at least twenty people.I HATE Martha.Keep up the good work! From: Pat (DPTCarrs@prodigy.net) Martha I think these are great. One of the best I have ever seen. From: Ethel (ethelsam@hotmail.com) Martha Stewart This site really made my day. I found it quite by accident. I started out researching arthritis stuff and ended up (my day) here! You guys, whether you know it or not, have lessened by arthritis pain just by making me laugh!!! From: Petulia (tulia@yahoo.com) Black Lights with Green Jello I was wondering how many black lights I would need to re-do my basement paneled family room? I would like to get the maxium effect -- Would a big enough green jello mold actually glow if I ad enough black lights? Which color of lava lamp would work best? tee hee he he he. Loved your site! But I do want to get a Lava lamp and a black light for my house! From: Irish Queen (irishqueeen@hotmail.com) Green Food, Green Drink, Green Goodies =Blarney!!! Oh my gosh!!! I was looking for green party goodies and where did I end up? At your site! Thanks. You have no idea how much I appreciated the fun. And... No way will I NOW be making any kind of "Green JELLO" for my St. Paddy's bash. Wadda ya think about green onion dip? Probably wouldn't be too nuclear dangerous? I'll send all my friends and party invitees to your site. Thanks for the mega-laffs, Mrs megabyte!!! From: SnoozinSuzan What A Site! I ended up at your site quite by accident, and boy I am I glad that I did! I haven't laughed so hard since my college days when we'd play "Hi Bob". My favorite page is the "Stewies" followed by the Star Trek page and the Clinton page. Thanks, Suzan PS: Have you considered adding Bob Newhart to the Stewies? From: martha fan (rpletsfish@aol.com) martha stewart after reading the guest book i've discovered most of the people that visited this site are jealous mean no imagination people if you dislike her so much why would be visiting i was looking for real martha stewart tips not this From: debbie (rpletsfish@aol.com) martha stewart i love martha a lot of things i can't afford, but she has some great ideas and made shopping at k-mart a lot more fun From: Evelyn Wrensch (dance@jefnet.com) Under Bed Boxes Missed the name of the store where you can buy the underbed boxes that you wall papered and nailed the wheels on. Does the store have a catalog? From: mina (wilhelmina99@earthlink.net) Martha & Bill I've got to give it to you, your site complete with captioned pictures and music is really funny. I'm willing to bet Bill (& maybe Martha) have seen your production and are laughing their heads off! Actually the President might find it refreshing, after all it is really a compliment. 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Pages from MrsMegaByte's Old Guest Book
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